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Newfoundland & Labrador | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of resources, and we will continue to add more as they become known to us.
Autism Surveillance System In Canada Autism Spectrum Disorder Amoung Children and Youth in Canada 2018~March 2018- As Chief Public Health Officer, I am pleased to present the National Autism Spectrum Disorder Surveillance System (NASS) 2018 Report. This surveillance report is “Made in Canada” and provides a first reporting of national data and information to improve our understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Canada.
Legal Help Understanding Consent and Capacity Rules in Canada-Toolkit~ What if someone is found to be incapable of making a specific decision? When a person is unable to make a decision on their own, they may require an accommodation or support in order to exercise their legal capacity, such as technological assistance, a translator, or a support person to interpret their signs, gestures or verbal cues. A person could also appoint someone to make decisions on their behalf, or to support them in making their decisions. This depends on the province or territory where they live and the person’s ability to appoint someone. Each province or territory has its own decision-making model, such as substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, representation, and more (these models are reviewed in more detail below).
Government For Persons with Disabilities~The Department of Health and Community Services provides policy direction, funding, and operational standards to the four Regional Health Authorities who deliver programs and services to individuals with disabilities and their families. In some instances individuals and families access the programs and services of other departments. The following will define the major programs and services funded by the Department of Health and Community Services and provide information on those that are available from other government departments or agencies. Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP)~NLPDP Assessment Office P.O. Box 510 Stephenville, NL A2N 3B4 Toll Free: 888 859 3535 FREE Email: Dental Services P.O. Box 8700 45 Major’s Path St. John's, NL A1B 4J6 Tel: (709) 758 1503 Disability Policy OfficeDepartment of Human Resources, Labour and Employment ~ The main purpose of the Disability Policy Office is to: promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society engage people with disabilities and advocates in developing ways to identify and remove barriers help government departments make sure their policies and programs do not exclude people with disabilities promote positive attitudes raise awareness of disability issues Department of Advanced Education and Skills 3rd Floor Confederation Building, West BlockSt. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Toll Free: 1-888-729-6279 TTY: 1-888-729-5440 E-mail: The Provincial Advisory Council for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities ~ he Advisory Council advises the Provincial Government as it takes action to ensure persons with disabilities have the same opportunities as persons without disabilities by removing barriers and ensuring that policies, programs and services are inclusive. The Advisory Council also maintains a relationship with communities of persons with disabilities to stay abreast of new priorities, emerging issues, and best practices to support their advice to the Minister Responsible for the Status of Persons with Disabilities. Canada Benefits ~This is the Canadian Government website for disability. Click on the province that you want, then on a the "I am..." a person with a disability, then click on the disability connection. Disability Weblinks ~ Links you to information about programs, services and contacts anywhere in Canada. Department of Health and Community Services - Medical Services ~ The Department of Health and Community Services provides a leadership role in health and community services programs and policy development for the province. Government of Newfoundland & Labrador ~ Student Support Services ~ Everything needed to guide you with special needs help on who to contact, guidelines to follow and who is exceptional etc. Student Support Services - Forms and Applications Student Support Services Publications
Education Forms and Documentation Verification of Permanent Disability Form Application Form–Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities
Boards of Education Newfoundland and Labrador ~ The Department of Education is responsible for early childhood learning, the K-12 schoolsystem, and public libraries in Newfoundland and Labrador. The vision of the Department of Education is to provide citizens with the values,knowledge and skills necessary to be productive and contributing members of society Role of Education Personnel in the Delivery of Services to Students with Special Needs ~ the purpose of these role descriptions is to help define the role of each school member of the team in terms of student support services
The Individual Support Services Planning Process ~ The individual support services planning process is a method used to identify the child’s/youths strengths and needs and to prepare an integrated approach to meet those needs. Inclusion ~An inclusive culture starts from the premise that everyone in the school, students, educators, administrators, support staff and parents, should feel that they belong, realize their potential, and contribute to the lif of the school. In an inclusive culture, diverse experiences, perspectives and gifts are seen to enrich the school community. News Release on new resource for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders ~ Education Minister Gerry Reid today announced the launch of a new resource for teachers and other professionals who work with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The document, entitled Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, is intended to help educators plan and implement effective education programs. Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (Department of Advanced Education & Skills): ~ This program is designed to assist individuals with a disability acquire the skills, experience and support necessary to successfully prepare for, enter or remain in the work force. Services include employment counselling and assessment, employment planning, pre-employment training, post-secondary education, skills training, technical aids and other supports to assist individuals obtain access to job opportunities and training. This program is cost-shared with Human Resources Social Development Canada. Labour Market and Career Information HotlineDepartment of Advanced Education and Skills ~ The Labour Market Agreement for Persons with Disabilities (LMAPD) is for people with a disability and demonstrated challenges in accessing education or employment.This program is designed to assist individuals with a disability acquire the skills, experience and support necessary to successfully prepare for, enter or remain in the work force. Services include employment counseling and assessment, employment planning, pre-employment training, post-secondary education, skills training, technical aids and other supports to help individuals obtain access to job opportunities and training. This programis cost-shared with Human Resources Social Development Canada Planning Support for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders:Handbook ~ It talks about the steps to take in getting your child support.
Pathways Brochure ~ This is a must read. The Pathways Pdf tells you how the education system plans a program to meet the needs of individuals. It describes what pathways is, what is ISSP services. Questions you should ask, and what supports might your child get in the school system.
Programming for Individual Needs: Communication Disorders Handbook ~ Everything you need for programming for teaching students with Autism Chapter 3, 4, 5.
Provincial Service Dog Laws Blind Persons Rights Act Human Rights Human Rights Commission Newfoundland and Labrador ~ The purposes of the Act are to protect individuals from discrimination and harassment and promote equality of opportunity. It applies to provincial government departments and agencies, and private businesses. Complaints of discrimination and harassment may be made based on race, religion, religious creed, sex, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, political opinion, colour, or ethnic, national or social origin, sexual orientation and age (19-65). Office ot the Child and Youth Advocate~ The Advocate for Children and Youth is an Independent Statutory office of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador. This office has the authority to represent the rights, interests and viewpoints of children and youth who are entitled to receive services and access programs provided by the government of this province.
Speech and Language Speech Language Pathology Private Practice (SLPPP) ~ Speech Language Pathology Private Practice (SLPPP) provides specialized services to individuals with speech and language difficulties that interfere with their ability to communicate their thoughts to the people around them. Since 1987, we have assisted individuals of all ages to enhance and expand upon their communication abilities. Communication Difficulties Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Delays Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists~
The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (NLASLPA) is a not-for-profit association which represents over 100 Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Audiologists (AUDs) in Newfoundland and Labrador. Through the work of its Executive and Committees, NLASLPA:
Counciling and Assesment Helping Matters Counselling and Assessment Centre ~Counselling for children, youth and families. Support provided for: autism, anxiety, grief, learning disabilities, bullying, depression, career, and social skills.71 Casey St., St. John’s, NL. A1C 4X6 Tel: (709) 579-2000 Fax: (709) 579-2262 Email:
Therapies Adrienne C. Thoms~ Dawn Mayo, Occupational Therapy Services for Children in NL ~ St. John's & Surrounding Area (Appts available at home office for client's outside St.John's) 709-682-6123 ~ Children with identified concerns related to development and learning (Including newly diagnosedAutism Spectrum Disorder).Have worked collaboratively with the ABA program for a number of years. Susan Sparkes, OT (R)NL Occupational Therapist ~ Fine motor, picky eating, sensory processing The Atlantic Association for Music Therapy (AAMT) is the professional organization for music therapists in Atlantic Canada.The AAMT provides public education and advocacy for music therapy services in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Theraputic Recreation Newfoundland and Labrador Therapeutic Recreation Association~ A person with autism can engage in Therapeutic Recreation with the assistance of a Recreation Therapist. Recreation Therapists focus on an individual’s strengths and abilities to increase or maintain their skills, abilities, sense of independence, and quality of life. Recreation Therapists conduct assessments and, based on the findings, develop goals using recreation activities to teach necessary skills that are required in order for someone with Autism to function as independently as possible in society given their specific strengths and weaknesses. These may include sports activities, music programs, cooking programs, snoezelen and Sensory Stimulation, creative arts, social skills groups and outings and therapeutic swimming Secret Chords Music Therapy~ We believe the experience of music therapy can enhance ones well being and self expression within supported and non–judgmental music making. Music acts as a non-intrusive medium that allows one to feel self worth and value that is often lacking due to physical, emotional and mental needs. We are trained in verbal interventions and are able to discuss underlying issues that often effects ones well-being. These can be worked through within a musical setting and through the establishment of a relationship with the therapist or with other clients. Renee White Music Therapy~Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized non-musical goals within a therapeutic relationship by an accredited music therapist, (MTA). An established allied health profession, music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, communication and social needs of individuals.
Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program~Tel: 709-777-2119/2110 Fax: 709-777-2210Offers assistance to Aboriginal patients and their families who require navigation toscheduled appointments and assists with linguistic and cultural barriers in acute care and extended stay. Available Monday to Friday 8:00am-4:00pm St. John’s Native Friendship Center ~John's Native Friendship Centre Association is a non-profit organization designed to assist Aboriginal people in their everyday needs. Those needs include, but are not limited to, referrals and counseling on matters of employment, housing, education, and health. The Centre also provides a wide range of programs and services open to all people regardless of heritage. Legal Aid~ Tel: 709-489-9081 or 709-639-9226 Attendant Pass ~An Attendant Pass enables an attendant or support worker to accompany a person with a disability to activities and/or events free of charge. This pass enables the attendant of the person with a disability to be admitted free to certain activities and events.Applications must be completed by the person with the disability and include a photo. Photos may also be emailed: Certain restrictions may apply.
Financial Support Easter Seals~focuses on four areas of programming for children and youth with physical disabilities:Recreational Therapy, Direct Assistance, Skills Development, Education and Advocacy. Easter Seals kids experience summer camps, sailing, skiing, sledge hockey, sea kayaking, rock climbing and much more. Also provides financial assistance with: wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, ramps, specialized computers, home adaptation devices, bikes, sleds, etc.
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