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Manitoba | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of resources, and we will continue to add more as they become known to us.
Legal Help Understanding Consent and Capacity Rules in Canada-Toolkit~ What if someone is found to be incapable of making a specific decision? When a person is unable to make a decision on their own, they may require an accommodation or support in order to exercise their legal capacity, such as technological assistance, a translator, or a support person to interpret their signs, gestures or verbal cues. A person could also appoint someone to make decisions on their behalf, or to support them in making their decisions. This depends on the province or territory where they live and the person’s ability to appoint someone. Each province or territory has its own decision-making model, such as substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, representation, and more (these models are reviewed in more detail below).
Education Educational Assistance in Manitoba Schools~ The purpose of Educational Assistants in Manitoba Schools is to provide educators, school Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ School Support ~This is the Government of Manitoba site which contains information about Special Education in Manitoba.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Guidelines for Early Transition to School for Children with Special Needs ~ The Guidelines for Early Childhood Transition to School for Children with Special Needs are based on the belief that those who know children with special needs well, their families, preschool service providers and support agencies, are the most effective people to work with school personnel to ensure a successful transition into the school system. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Supporting Inclusive Schools: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder ~ Supporting Inclusive Schools: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder recognizes the need of educators for a resource to support appropriate educational programming for students with ASD.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Supporting Inclusive Schools: School-Based Planning and Reporting ~ This document provides a framework for educators when working with planning teams, creating school plans, and reporting to the Department, division/district, and community
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Bill 13 - Appropriate Educational ProgrammingBill 13 will assist all students, particularly those with special needs, in receiving the appropriate educational programming they require.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Special Needs Funding Special Needs Funding is available for students who require and receive extensive supports based on a comprehensive educational needs assessment.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Funding Guidelines ~ Categorical Support is available for students with special needs who require and receive extensive supports based on a comprehensive educational needs assessment. Level II and Level III Support is an addition to Level I and Coordinator/ Clinician Support.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth ~ Special Needs Categorical Funding Booklet ~ The material provided in this booklet is designed to provide Student Services Administrators with reference and support materials for the Special Needs Categorical Funding Level II and III process.
Manitoba Education ~ Individual Education Plans ~ The term IEP is a global term referring to a written document developed and implemented by a team, outlining a plan to address the individual learning needs of students.
University of Manitoba, Certificate in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) - Continuing Education and Department of Psychology Manitoba Student Aid Post Secondary Some information is posted in Section 600:Students With Permanent Disabilities (Page 2 of 12) Application for Financial Assistance for Full-time Students
Provincial Service Dog Laws
Funding Disability Tax Credit- Filling out the T2201 certificate (the Disability Tax Credit form). The Child Disability Tax Credit can be applied for by any one parent who is taking primary care of the child under the age of 18 who has an impairment. If both parents provide for the child equally, only one of them can receive the tax credit.When you claim Disability Tax Credit for yourself or for an adult you are taking care of, you only receive what is called the base amount for the tax credit. However, if you are claiming the tax credit for a child you’re taking care of, the CRA also credits a supplemental amount. Both these amounts have a federal tax credit and a provincial tax credit component. Your annual Child Disability Tax Credit is the sum of both these amounts. Manitoba- Child Disability Benefit- Children who are under 18 years of age.When you apply for Disability Tax Credit for your child below 18 years of age, you are actually applying for both the DTC itself, and the CDB. The CDB will automatically apply to you if you are eligible to receive the DTC for your child. This fact is sometimes not easily apparent to most Canadians who apply for the program. When you are approved for your child’s Disability Tax Credit and Child Disability Benefit, you will be able to receive up to the amount 10 years before of both as a retroactive payment. The CRA reassesses you taxes for the previous ten years then decides which years you are eligible for both programs and will pay you the corresponding tax credit amount and disability benefit amounts. Registered Disability Saving Plan (RDSP)-An RDSP is a long term savings plan that helps Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future. You must be under age 60 and eligible for the federal Disability Tax Credit. To help you save, the federal government may match part of your contributions.
Government Canada Benefits ~ This is the Canadian Government website for disability. Click on the province that you want, then on a the "I am..." a person with a disability, then click on the disability connection. The Manitoba Human Rights Commission -We are responsible for promoting human rights principles and educating the public about the rights and responsibilities in The Code. We provide human rights training and regularly present to groups and at conferences about human rights principles. We consult with the public about emerging human rights issues and use the information we gather to develop education tools to assist the public and to raise awareness about issues with the public, organizations and Government. We reach out to all Manitobans in various ways to share that "we are all equal in dignity and rights". Human Rights and Reasonable Accommodations-The Human Rights Code is Manitoba's provincial human rights law. It protects individuals and groups in Manitoba from discrimination and is administered by the Manitoba Human Rights Commission.
Manitoba's Ongoing Commitment to Early Childhood Development ~ is committed to supporting early childhood development. As a result, new and expanded early years programming has been introduced Childrens disABILITY Services-Eligibility CriteriaBe under 18 years of agePresent with one of the following: intellectual disability, developmental delay, lifelong physical disability withsignificant functional limitation in mobility, autism spectrum disorder, a high probability of developmental delay or have lifelong extreme complex medical needs in combination with one or more of the above criteria.Children's disABILITY Services offers a variety of resources and supports to parents to assist them to care for their children at home in their own communities, where children grow and thrive.
Clinics who Diagnose Below are 4 privately funded clinics where an assessment and diagnosis of ASD can be made: Mind Matters~ A private practice clinic with mental health professionalswho work to meet a variety of clients’ needs. The team consists of Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Social Work, Clinical Counseling, Speech and Language Therapy. Mind Matters offers services from infancy to mature adulthood. This clinic will do assessments and diagnose your child with autism spectrum disorder. Red Ladder Optimized Learning ~Red Ladder Optimized Learning is an independent practice psychology center located in Winnipeg. The practice provides assessment, evaluation, and treatment services. Red Ladder has trained psychologists that can identify and diagnose your child with autism spectrum disorder. Referrals to private practice can be made by family doctor, other psychologists, school, or directly by the family. Manitoba Clinic ~Manitoba Clinic is a private clinic located in Winnipeg that provides multiple specialty services to Manitobans. Pediatricians in the clinic can assess and diagnosis children with ASD. Contact the Manitoba Clinic to get more information on referral and intake processes. Sterling Lyon Office ~ Sterling Lyon is a private pediatrics office located in Winnipeg. The practice provides consultative and care to infants, children and adolescents. Dr. Tannis Wiebe and Dr. Ghita Wiebe will assess school age children for ASD by referral.
Therapies Music Therapy Association of Manitoba~ To improve the quality of human life through music, whether this be a part of therapeutic treatment or for individuals who wish to seek personal growth through music. Bang A Beat Music Therapy Centre~ Upon completing an assessment, our music therapists create goals and objectives to help our clients’ reach their potential. Whether sessions are designed to help reach developmental milestones, target academic skills, to further develop social interaction skills, or help in creative self-expression, we assist in bringing about positive changes resulting in an overall better quality of life.
Services/ Service Providers Family Services and Programs for Children~My child has unique needs. Can she attend licensed child care? How will her needs be met? What is the Children’s disABILITY Services program? What services are provided by the Children’s disABILITY Services program? and much more ADAPT Manitoba (Association for Developmental Autism Programs and Therapies)~ is a group of parents and professionals who support developmental therapies for children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Disability Weblinks ~ Links you to information about programs, services and contacts anywhere in Canada.
MFEAT ~ Manitoba Families for Effective Autism Treatment ~ ABA treatment for young children with autism, based on decades of research by psychologists like Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas Is a provincial web portal with the aim of providing information on all kinds of autism therapies and services through the lifespan, as well as basic information about ASD.
Manitoba ABA Program for Children with Autism (MABACA) ~ Now allied with St. Amant. Our program is funded by the Province of Manitoba to provide intensive behavioural intervention for children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Preschool children receive home-basedearly intensive behavioural intervention for up to three years, whileschool aged children can receive intervention for up to three years or Grade 4 (which comes first).
St. Amant ABA-Applied Behavioural Analysis School Aged Program~ Funding for participation in the School-Age ABA Program is available contingent upon agreement to facilitating ABA programs to occur in both school and home environments. St.Amant ABA consultants are invited to participate in school teams once schools and families have agreed that ABA is a beneficial component for a child. It is expected that ABA is occurring throughout a significant portion of the child’s day at school (approximately 20 hours per week). Support is also provided at home (5 hours of parent-led interventions and 10 hours of home tutor ABA sessions are expected to supplement school programming.
University Of Manitoba Unveils Dental Facility For Special Needs Children ~ Faculty of Dentistry's Children's Dental Outreach Progam so that dental care can be extended to special-nees childrenSpecial Olympics Manitoba ~ is the sport organization of choice that provides broad based, life-long sport opportunities for individuals with intellectual disability across the province
Speech and language Pathologists Winnipeg Speech ~Heather J. Shpak, certified speech-language pathologist for kids and adults, offers private one-on-one speech therapy in Winnipeg, Manitoba.She o ffers a range of services in her home or yours. Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority~ Children's Speech Language Pathology~The Interlake-Eastern RHA pediatric speech-language pathology program believes that communication is a basic function of daily living.As a partner in the Interlake Children’s Therapy Initiative, the program provides comprehensive speech-language pathology services to optimize the communicative health of Interlake preschool children.Our speech-language pathologists hold masters degrees and are registered with the Manitoba Speech and Hearing Association.Services are client-centered and include intake evaluation, assessment, intervention, consultation, transitioning to school-based speech-language pathology services. Service deliver via community health offices. Speech language pathologists can also provide community education. Tannis Miles Speech-Language Pathologist~63 Caldwell Cres, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1T3 ABC All aBout Children ~ At ABC All aBout Children, Monica Gustafson is a Speech Language Pathologist in Winnipeg. She provides comprehensive speech assessment and therapy services for children. With over 39 years’ experience including 25 years in private practice and over 34 years in the education system, she is a highly qualified Speech Language Pathologist who has worked with children experiencing speech and language difficulties Mind Matters Clinic~We are a group of mental health professionals who work in private practice with the goal of meeting a variety of clients’ needs in a timely fashion.We are an assorted group of professionals from different disciplines - Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Social Work, Clinical Counseling, Speech and Language Therapy. The range of clients that we are collectively experienced with runs the developmental continuum - from infancy to mature adulthood.
ABA-Applied Behavioral Analysis
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