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British Columbia

Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of resources, and we will continue to add more as they become known to us.


Autism Surveillance System In Canada

Autism Spectrum Disorder Amoung Children and Youth in Canada 2018~March 2018- As Chief Public Health Officer, I am pleased to present the National Autism Spectrum Disorder Surveillance System (NASS) 2018 Report. This surveillance report is “Made in Canada” and provides a first reporting of national data and information to improve our understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Canada.
Approximately 1 in 66 children and youth are diagnosed with ASD in Canada. For families, an ASD diagnosis can involve significant emotional and financial challenges. For those in health, education and social services sectors, ASD is an important issue due to the resources those living with ASD require for intervention and treatment and due to the on-going impact on the health and well-being of Canadian children, youth, adults and their families and communities.


Legal Help

Understanding Consent and Capacity Rules in Canada-Toolkit~ What if someone is found to be incapable of making a specific decision? When a person is unable to make a decision on their own, they may require an accommodation or support in order to exercise their legal capacity, such as technological assistance, a translator, or a support person to interpret their signs, gestures or verbal cues. A person could also appoint someone to make decisions on their behalf, or to support them in making their decisions. This depends on the province or territory where they live and the person’s ability to appoint someone.  Each province or territory has its own decision-making model, such as substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, representation, and more (these models are reviewed in more detail below).




Special Education Index ~ This site is of interest in Special Education, Career/Life Transitions and Special Education Technology etc.

School Act~"achievement contract", "administrative directive", "annual facility expenditure", "annual facilty grant", "annual facilty project" etc

Special Needs Contacts - Basic Information~Contact information by district for student support services

Special Education Technology (SET) B.C. helps school districts provide assistive technologies to students with special needs

British Columbia Council of Administrators of Special Education (BCCASE) members are dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual in society.

Ministerial order on IEPs (individual education plans) covers roles and responsibilities, Special Needs Categoriesof special needs, condition-specific approaches, IEPs, provincial resource programs and Internet resources

B.C. Ministry of Education ~ A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

Boards of Education ~ We’re big on education in B.C. If you’re here to learn, teach or support education, we’d like to help. Discover personalized tools detailed information and flexible options designed to support this life-long endeadour.


B.C. Ministry of Education ~ Individual Education Planning for Students with Special Needs

B.C. Ministry of Education ~ Special Considerations for Individual Planning for Students with Autism


B.C. Ministry of Education ~ Parents Guide to Individual Education Planning


British Columbia Early Childhood Development Special Report ~ The

report begins with a brief summary of what the evidence tells us about early childhood development, including: the early years are crucial; children need attachments and opportunities for development; parents are important, and caregivers and others also have influence; quality child care depends on several identifiable and inter-related factors; investing in early childhood development pays off; supports for vulnerable children are particularly important; vulnerability is related not only to socioeconomic status, and investment in early childhood development is crucial for Aboriginal communities.


Ministry of Advanced Education ~ Responsible for education services to

adults with disabilities.


StudentAid BC-Post Secondary

Main Information Page for Students with Permanent Disability


Permanent disability programs application

Learning Disability Assessment Bursary

B.C. supplemental bursary for students with a permanent disability


Places Diagnosing ASD


RelatedMinds Psychological Services-Jim Roche( Psychologist) ~In my Burnaby and Vancouver offices I provide psychoeducational assessments and ADHD testing and treatment. Much of my work is focused on children, adolescents and adults with Asperger's syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. I specialize in providing individual couples treatment for those with Aspergers and related disorders. I am a registered behavioural specialist for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and Asperger's syndrome and have worked as an educational psychologist and provincial consultant on autism and behaviour disorders. I have 25 years experience working with schools, employers and the courts.

The Pacific Autism Family Centre (PAFC)~The Pacific Autism Family Centre (PAFC) is a proposed centre of excelance for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.The PAFC`s core purpose is to be Knowledge centre : Bringing together state of art resources for research, information, learning, assessment, treatment and support; and building capacity to address the lifespan needs of individuals with ASD, and their families across BC (ALL AGES)

Autism Diagnosing in BC~If you are the parent of a child who you suspect may have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), your first stop is your family doctor. Family doctors cannot diagnose ASD but they can refer you to a specialist (a pediatrician, psychologist or psychiatrist) or directly to the BC Autism Assessment Network-BCAAN.

BC Autism Assessment Network ~ The BC Autism Assessment Network (BCAAN) provides diagnostic assessments for those with suspected autism spectrum disorder and accepts referrals from all physicians.

The Asante Centre~In the province of British Columbia, children and youth up to 18 years of age who are suspected of having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be referred by their pediatrician to their local Health Authority for a publicly funded assessment.

For children and youth residing in either the Vancouver Coastal or Fraser Health Regions, all referrals are received and processed by Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children in Vancouver, on behalf of Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). Depending on a number of factors such as the age of the child and the city of the family's residence, PHSA contracts with several diagnostic teams throughout the Lower Mainland - including the Asante Centre - to perform the assessment.

Dr. Marjolaine M. Limbos (Registered Psychologist)~ Dr. Limbos can conduct a detailed assessment of children who have suspected autism or autism spectrum disorders.

Westcoast Child Development Group~Following the provincial guidelines, our Psychologists use the recommended standardized assessment and clinical observation and tools. Autism assessments through the Westcoast Child Development Group are completed on a contract basis for the BC Autism Assessment Network (for more information please see:Provincial Health Services Authority - Autism Assessment Programs). Autism assessments may also be done on a private basis.


Provincial Service Dog Laws

Guide Animal Act



Financial Assistance


Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance ~ Responsible for

education adn support payments, work programs, bus passes and health and dental benefits for persons with diabilities.



Canada Benefits ~This is the Canadian Government website for disability.    Click on the province that you want, then on a the "I am..." a person with a disability, then click on the disability connection.

Landmark Supreme Court decision on LD case ~ On November 9, 2012, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favor of the appeal of the Moore family, who claimed that their local school district failed to provide the special education supports that Jeffrey Moore needed in order to get meaningful access to general education.


B.C. Human Rights Code ~ specifies fourteen grounds on which discriminatory practices are prohibited in the Province of British Columbia. Not all are protected in the eight areas of the Code’s jurisdiction.


Ministry of Health Services ~ Responsible for public health services.  Also

responsible for medical services and equipment for adults with disabilities and children with special needs.


Ministry of Children and Family Development ~ Responsible for providing

a range of services to children and youth with special needs, and to adults with developmental disabilities.



The Music Therapy Association of British Columbia~ Through a variety of approaches in health care, community and educational settings, music therapy helps improve communication skills for children with autism, facilitates social bonding for those living in impoverished communities, supports speech acquisition for children with language delays, and increases playful creativity for all ages. Music therapists support clients in exploring personal growth and deepening spirituality at the end of life.

British Columbia Therapeutic Recreation Association~ A person with autism can engage in Therapeutic Recreation with the assistance of a Recreation Therapist. Recreation Therapists focus on an individual’s strengths and abilities to increase or maintain their skills, abilities, sense of independence, and  quality of life. Recreation Therapists conduct assessments and, based on the findings, develop goals using recreation activities to teach necessary skills that are required in order for someone with Autism to function as independently as possible in society given their specific strengths and weaknesses. These may include sports activities, music programs, cooking programs, snoezelen and Sensory Stimulation, creative arts, social skills groups and outings and therapeutic swimming

Vancouver Speech Language Therapy~Speech-language pathologists screen, assess, and treat speech, language, communication, and feeding and swallowing problems for all age groups, as well as provide education and advocate for the prevention of these disorders.At VanSpeech we believe in providing family-oriented Speech Language Pathology services for children and families - working together as a team to help children in the Vancouver area meet their potential. 





Children with Special Needs ~ This site gives you a range of different

         services for children with special needs from agency contacts, speech

         and language, adult services, individualized funding, schooling and

         other programs. Just follow the link that applies to you.

Disability Weblinks ~ Links you to information about programs, services

              and contacts anywhere in Canada.


B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society ~ Provides a variety of

          support services and resources to help BC's aboriginal people with


Aboriginal Infant Development Programs and Other Links ~ consultants

          work together with families to support the growth and development

          of aboriginal children.


Community Living British Columbia ~ CLBC responds to the life-long

           needs and goals of individuals and families by recognizing their

           abilities and contributions, sharing leadership with communities and

           funding supports that honour individual choice.


Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children ~ Sunny Hill offers inter-disciplinary

           assessment, diagnosis, consultation, referral, and, in select cases,

           treatment for children with complex disabilities throughout the 

           province. Because no two children and no two situations are alike,

           Sunny Hill works closely with each child, his/her family, and his/her

           community to provide services that are uniquely responsive to each

           family's needs and circumstances. Services are designed to

           complement resources available in the child's community



Services For Adults


Adult Special Education-Resource Directory for Post-secondary Students with Disabilities ~

               Programs and services for students with disabilities have grown and

               improved over the past decade. In 1990, the Adult Special Education

               (ASE) Review Project assessed the progress of ASE in British Columbia.

               It was noted that while there have been major improvements in

               educational access for students with disabilities, this segment of the

               population is still proportionately under-represented in British

           Columbia's post-secondary institutions.


Autism Spectrum Disorder Parent Resource Directory Leaving the Nest (Transition to Adult Services) ~ All types of resources needed for the

           transition into Adulthood.


Post Secondary Education for Adults with a Disability ~ Different

           resources, contacts and addresses for Adult special education

           services and programs. It is a policy of the provincial Ministry of

           Education that adults with a disability whose needs can be met by a

           public educational institution will have reasonable access to

           appropriate learning opportunities.


Workable Solutions ~ Training and Employment Programs for Persons with Disabilities ~ is an initiative to connect BC employers to persons with

           discabilities by providing valuable employment resources and

           support.  The goal of teh initiative is to help employers turn potential

           challenges into workable solutions and increase the recruitment and

           retention of persons with disabilities.


Speech and language Pathologists

Speech and Language Pathologist Private Practice List ~ list of Speech pathologists

West Coast Speech and language ~ Janine Baker, is the owner of West Coast Speech Language Pathology.Janine received her Master of Science degree from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver in 1995. Since that time she expanded her clinical experience working with children in a variety of clinical settings including schools, child development centres, private practice and public health speech and language departments . Janine opened West Coast Speech Language Pathology in 2005 after her first son was born.

Columbia Speech and Language Services Inc~ 15 speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and one registered clinical counsellor contract their services to Columbia, in addition to company founder Wendy Duke.All SLPs are certified to practice by the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC (CSHHPBC), and are members of Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC).Crystal Johnson is Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and a member of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC).

City Speech Centre ~City Speech Centre is a private speech-language pathology centre serving the Greater Vancouver area. For over 10 years, Registered Speech-Language Pathologists Jennifer Kroeker & Shira Meltzer have been providing a wide range of dynamic speech therapy services for children and adults. We believe that speech therapy is most effective in a non-pressured, friendly environment. We take pride in assisting our clients to reach their goals and potential!

Our talented speech therapists provide treatment for-autism, apraxia, tongue thrusts, lisps, language delays, learning disabilities, processing difficulties, accent reduction, brain injuries and other communication disorders.


ABA-Applied Behavioral Analysis


British Columbia ABA and IBI links



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