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Seizures and Autism | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Types of Seizures ~ lists all the types of seizures and explanations- 6 Different Kinds: Generalized Seizures; Absence seizures; Myoclonic seizures; Clonic seizures; Tonic seizures; Atonic seizures Autism & Seizures~ Seizures are more common in individuals with autism than in the general population. In the general population, fewer than 1% of children (age 17 and younger) develop clinical seizures. By comparison, one of the largest studies aimed at identifying the prevalence of epilepsy in children with autism found that among children aged 13 years and older with ASD, 26% were diagnosed with epilepsy. Factors Associated With Seizure Onset in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder~Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a higher prevalence of epilepsy compared with general populations. In this pilot study, we prospectively identified baseline risk factors for the development of seizures in individuals with ASD and also identified characteristics sensitive to seizure onset up to 6 years after enrollment in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. Puberty, Aggression and seizures ~ Dr. Bernard Rimland
A Review of Seizure Disorders and Landau-Kleffner Syndrome in the Autistic Autism, Puberty and the Possibility of Seizures~ Review of Seizure Disorders Epilepsy Canada ~ Lots of information about seizures and treatment Neurology Channel ~ Lots of information about seizures and treatment Epilepsy Foundation~ Comprehensive Information from the Top Experts on Epilepsy and Seizures Video of Seizures ~ "Seizure First Aid" is an educational piece that highlights what observers should - and should not - do when witnessing a seizure. Epilepsy Animation Video:Types of seizures, symptoms, pathology (mechanism) of epilepsy, causes and treatments. The brain is a complex network of billions of neurons. Neurons can be excitatory or inhibitory. Excitatory neurons stimulate others to fire action potentials and transmit electrical messages, while inhibitory neurons SUPPRESS this process, preventing EXCESSIVE firing. A balance between excitation and inhibition is essential for normal brain functions. In epilepsy, there is an UP-regulation of excitation and/or DOWN-regulation of inhibition, causing lots of neurons to fire SYNCHRONOUSLY at the same time. Epilepsy Specialist Discusses Seizure Triggers~ ~ is a website that offers lots of information and links about seizures
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