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Tina`s AWARDS and BOOK


Our President & Founder Tina Fougere has been nominated for the YWCA Honourary Woman of Distinction Award as well as The Lifetime Achievement Award. January 26, 2023

(A Woman of Distinction has shown courage within her life,her journey and has uplifted others along the way, She is a woman who is dedicated to self-empowerment and to the empowerment of others around her. Has made a commitment and a significant difference in her community by showing vision, creativity and initiative.)

(Lifetime Achievment Award-This award honours a woman who is 55 years or older who has made significant and varied contributions to the community in any of the Woman of Distinction awards categories. She is a role model who has tirelessly contributed to the community in many ways, for many years, as an advocate, volunteer and/or mentor. She exibits strength, wisdom and character that serve as an inspiration to those around her).

Zaigham Butt (pictured below with Tina)secretly nominated Tina for these two awards. She is the nominee and he is the nominator. The ceremony for the nominees to be recognized was January 26,2023 and the Gala is on March 4, 2023 to name the award winners. Click the pictures to enlarge.


Picture of Tina and long time friend through our fundation and supporter of the foundation Linda Rourke previously Producer and Host at Cable 14.


Click Picture Below to Enlarge


Tina was presented with the YES I CAN AWARD for all Ontario ..the committee choose her after she was nominated again but this time for the Provincial by the Hamilton Autism Spectrum Team Leader Sue Honeyman. Also from the Hamilton School Board and testimonials from her son Nathans Hamilton High School Principle Marco Barazetti, by Hamilton School Board Superintendent Pat Rocco and also the whole Hamilton Autism Spectrum Team its self .What an Honour for her from her PEERS.

I was presented with the YES I CAN AWARD for all Ontario (Provincial)..the committee choose me after I was nominated again by the Autism Spectrum Team Leader Sue Honeyman from the School Board and testimonials



Tina was presented with the YES I CAN AWARD for the Regional of her area ..the committee choose her after she was nominated by the Autism Spectrum Team Leader Sue Honeyman from the Hamilton School Board There were testimonials from her sons Hamilton High School Principle Marco Barazetti also by Hamilton School Board Superintendent Pat Rocco and the whole Hamilton Autism Spectrum Team its self. What an Honour for her from her PEERS.

Took place May 9, 2013 at Michelangelo`s Banquet and Convention Centre .The whole Autism Spectrum Team Tina, her son Nathan beside her and beside her son Nathan is The Foundations VP Paul Reilly


Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award Nov 2012

Christine (Tina) Fougere, Founder and President of the Canadian National Autism Foundation was awarded with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award in Nov 2012 for her selfless work in her community, and for her dedication to the Canadian National Autism Foundation and it's causes.

Tina Fougere and Wayne Marston, MP

Mr. Marston presented Tina with the award at the awards ceremony.

This award for the first time ever the recipients were chosen by the Governor General


What is Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee medal 2012?
Created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country.





Hamilton Spectator

 Stoney Creekers Jagtar Singh, George Wallace, Thomas Li, Ann Paul, Tina Fougere, Lori Raudnask, George Stal and Donald John McMaster (left to right, front), along with Roy Ellis, Sherry Revesz-Lenders, Jagtar Singh Chahal, Robert Slattery, Michael Rehill and David Thomas Allen Dedrick (back) were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal at the federal level during a special ceremony last Thursday at the Stoney Creek Municipal Service Centre.

Second Edition 2010

Christine (Tina) Fougere wrote in the 2nd Edition ..She was asked to write a chapter on seizures and about her son and his seizures. Also that he has a twin sister. She wrote Chapter 8 starting at page 90

click story below to enlarge

1st Edition-Tina Wrote a Chapter in a Published Book 2009

Christine (Tina) Fougere wrote in the 1st Edition ..She was asked to write a chapter on seizures and about her son and his seizures. Also that he has a twin sister. She wrote Chapter 8 starting at page 90

Click here to read the chapter


Writing Team Members and Acknowlegde

This Autism Handbook has been prepared for the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board



Queen's Golden Jubilee Award 2002

Christine (Tina) Fougere, Founder and President of the Canadian National Autism Foundation was awarded with the Queen's Golden Jubilee Award in 2002 for her selfless work in her community, and for her dedication to the Canadian National Autism Foundation and it's causes.


Tina Fougere and the Honorable Brad Clarke, MPP

Mr. Clarke presented Tina with the award at the awards ceremony.


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