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Bullying, Suicide Prevention & Seclusion
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                 Introduction to Bullying, Suicide Prevention,

                                       Seclusion and More

This information will be helpfull for those who are in such a situation and will possibly give you some guidelines on what to do or where to seek help.

BULLYING: can take many forms, but whether it is physical or psychological, bullying involves an imbalance of power. Students with autism spectrum disorders often lack social cognition and ability to take someone else’s perspective making them prime targets for bullies, especially in early adolescence. The impact of bullying can be profound and debilitating. A growing problem nationwide in schools and other public places, bullying is a serious matter and adults must remain alert and intervene if they believe their child is being victimized

RESTRAINT: Restraint is any manual method, physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment that immobilizes or reduces the ability of an individual

SECLUSION: The involuntary confinement of an individual alone in a room or area from which they are physically prevented from leaving.




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